The journey
2020 has been a rough year for all of us. First, the coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic struck, then the tragedy was compounded for me by my mom passing away in March after suffering for a decade with the neurological disease PSP (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy), and then losing my dream job as Editorial Director (and founding team member) of Autonomous Vehicle Technology, created by business-to-business media powerhouse BNP Media.
However, I’ve decided to pick myself up by my bootstraps and move on to the next phase of my career. After working for others, I’m venturing out on my own with a new media and consulting business—Kevin Jost Media & Consulting, LLC, or KJMC for short. The startup is focusing primarily as an incubator for new, digital media, the primary goal of which is sustainability.
Valuable and free content for the industry and consumer paid for by low-cost sponsoring, advertising, and partnering—all beautifully designed. That low cost is enabled by automation of as many aspects of the process as possible—from content planning to delivery.
The first product is Futurride, a sustainable media brand focusing on sustainable mobility. The primary focus of the team will be on the latest digital technologies enabling vehicle autonomy, connectivity, electrification, and mobility services, but adding a greater focus on outreach outside of the mobility industry.
The initial audience will be the business-to-business community, but the goal is to bring the industry and consumers together, connecting subject-matter experts with consumers who need and crave more information on future mobility technology–and providing a better dialog between the two constituents than currently available.
We want to educate the industry at a high level but also make technical concepts understandable and relatable to the general public. In addition to this community, we are aiming to build valuable media products for all constituents—starting with enewsletters, but building on those with a family of offerings including innovative multimedia, social media, and interesting takes on traditional offerings like directories.
The concept is starting out very much a work-in-progress, so send your ideas for improvements, content, and format for our beta version by contacting us directly or by using the form below.
Kevin Jost
+1 412-407-7793
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