Content Submission Guidelines accepts original-content submissions from high-level industry experts.
Decide on an article topic and length. A submitted article should be tech-trend or thought-leadership focused and not company or product promotional. It should have some news hook; provide a good level of technical/engineering content, and mentions of as many corporate partners as possible. Article length could be about 500 or 1000 words, with one image for every 250 words.
Confirm article topic and length with the editors by emailing or calling (contact information at bottom). Make sure to do this before writing the article.
Once confirmed with the editors as appropriate content, write the article and submit your content via email. Article will be published usually in a few days.
Submissions must include original text and image files, as well as signed copyright transfer form, attached to email:
- Text file
- Headline,
- Summary: a one- or two-sentence explanation of the article contents to entice reader to read,
- Body, with subheads if 1000 words,
- Include company URL and people LinkedIn accounts for linking to additional information/content,
- One- or two-sentence bio on authors of article,
- Images with captions, in order that they should appear in article, preceded by the filename of the corresponding electronic image,
- Optional supporting audio/video files.
- Electronic images: the bigger the better
- At least 3 inches square, but preferably 6 or more inches, at 300 dots or pixels per inch (divide dot or pixel count by 300 to get potential print image width in inches),
- JPEGs are preferred, TIFFs are acceptable, and we accept PowerPoint slides with proper image instructions,
- Signed copyright transfer form.
- If you receive feedback that your article needs some fine-tuning, make any necessary changes and resubmit as soon as possible.
Submit your ideas with the form below or via email to:
Kevin Jost
+1 412-407-7793
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